Tamarack Fores​try and ​Land Management, LL​C
Tamarack Fores​try and ​Land Management, LL​C

Vermont Use Value Appraisal Program Enrollment
Perform 10-year updates to existing forest management plans and the creation of new plans for enrollment of land into Vermont's Current Use system.
Bound​ary Location and Maintenance
Bound​ary Location and Maintenance
Locate and repaint property boundaries so they are clearly identified for years to come.
Timber Sale Preparation and Administration
Timber Sale Preparation and Administration
Work with landowners to implement scheduled forest management activities within their woodlots. We work with many different logging contractors with a variety of logging systems to best match the needs of the landowner and the forested resource.
Pre-commercial Timber Stand Improvement (TSI)
Pre-commercial Timber Stand Improvement (TSI)
Invest in a developing stand of trees to improve quality and accelerate growth and reproduction capabilities of trees best suited to the site. Promote a high quality, long lasting, and asthetically pleasing stand of trees.
Site visits to explore management strategies, timber opportunities, wildlife habitat enhancement, recreation possibilities, invasives control, and other forest and land topics you may want to explore.